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Participants: Laity, deacons, priests and bishops are welcome. This is for a group of 3 - 5 participants. If less than three register we'll cancel.

Register by email. If more than five register we'll keep a wait-list and contact you if someone drops out. If the registrations exceed 8 we'll consider offering the program a second time.

Date: December 7, 2019

Times: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm    Please be on time. You'll need time to find a parking space. There is a paid lot on 41st near Alaska. There is also unrestricted street parking south of Edmunds.

The Program: 

This offering, Attrait, is an exploration of the relationship between our personal uniqueness and understanding which forms of prayer may be a "best fit" for each of us. During the morning we'll make use of icons; we'll also look at a form of personal devotions that begins with the longings of each person -- for harmony and uniqueness, for healing and forgiveness, for meaning and a sense of direction. These states-of-being are an experience of God's prayer within us. How might we prepare ourselves to be receptive? What forms of prayer can help us focus these longings?

Fear not. It's "heavy" stuff that we will approach with a respectful, light touch. 

Elements of the Program:

  1. Morning Prayer
  2. A way of thinking about it – a model, theory
  3. Experiential learning – reflection and learning from your experience
  4. A spiritual practice or two to use
  5. How you see yourself making use of what you’ve learned
  6. A short time on how this applies to a parish church
  7. A booklet, book, or packet to take away

 Send an email to Robert Gallagher, OA with your name, email address, phone number.

Materials fee: No fee. This, our last offering in the Pathways series, is without charge. 

Location: 4752 41st Ave SW; Apt 405, Seattle WA 98116. The corner of 41st Ave and Edmunds St SW. This is Father Gallagher's home.     

Coffee & Tea: Tea and coffee will be available. 

Coaches: Michelle Heyne, OA, Presiding Sister of the Order; Robert Gallagher, OA.  For more on the leaders

The Order of the Ascension: A dispersed Benedictine community of the Episcopal Church, founded in 1983.